Friday, May 31, 2019
Flood of Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis of the Holy Bible :: Epic Gilgamesh essays
The Flood of Gilgamesh Perhaps the most popular comparison with Noahs Flood is that of an antediluvian patriarch Babylonian story of a similar flood. A quick look at the text does show some key similarities between them however there are also some pointed differences. I will show you both and permit you decide whether there is or is non a connection. First let us look at the similarities *It is set in the Iraqi/Turkey area.....similar to the Biblical Flood. *A man is warned by a god to throw a ship so he could survive a coming flood, sent by the divine powers. *The man is told to save himself, his family, and a sampling of exclusively animation things. *The boat was to be sealed with resin inside and out. *A set time is made by the divinity for the flood to begin. *The flood includes both fall and water from the surface. *The flood covered the mountains. *The boat came to rest on a mountain first. *Birds were released to test for whether or not the wate rs had receeded. In the Biblical account, a raven and a dove were released. In the Gilgamesh account, a dove, swallow, and raven were released. *Once out of the boat, the man offers a sacrifice to the divinity which brings comfort to the divinity at the sweet scent of the sacrifice. Now for the differences *The Babylonian tale never says why the gods chose to save the man in the story. It was pretty much dumb luck. In the Bible, Noah was a rightous man amidst a population of evil. *The boat dimensions are quite different. The boat in the story of the Babylonian flood is a cube, equal on all sides. While in the Bible, Noah is told to build his Ark in a 450x75x45 ratio. This ratio is what is known to ship builders as the perfect ratio for stabilty for a boat but it was not known until the 15th century AD. The Gilgamesh boat, being equal on all sides, would have been wildly unstable and unseaworthy. *The Babylonian man took heptad days to build his boat while Noah took 120 years. Why would such a numerology rich people use such a non-numerology number as 120 when seven was already in the story?
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Popes An Essay on Criticism -- Religion Essays Papers
Popes An Essay on Criticism When Samuel Johnson ascribed to a new lap such(prenominal) extent of comprehension, such nicety of distinction, such acquaintance with mankind, and such knowledge both of both ancient and modern learning as not often attained by the maturest age and longest experience, he was speaking of young Alexander Popes An Essay on Criticism (1711), written when he was about twenty, and published when he was just now twenty-three years old (in Mack 177).1 Others have not been as generous in their comments about the prodigys efforts. One history of criticism textbook describes the work rather ingloriously There are repetitions and inconsistencies, some conventional pronouncements along with injunctions of lasting value but nowhere . . . are the principles organized into a uniform whole, and no cut-and-dried theory of criticism therefore emerges (in Morris 145).2 Despite this harsher pronouncement, Alexander Popes An Essay on Criticism 1 Johnsons evaluation of P opes Essay has been upheld if for no other causation than that so many of the works bon mots have established noteworthy careers in daily household English. As Mack observed (177), Pope will sometimes make do a verbal maneuver so simple in appearance, so breathtaking on reflection, that the common sense of mankind has plucked it out of the verse form and made it a part of speech A little Learning is a dangrous Thing (205) To err is Humane to Forgive, Divine (525) For Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread (625). And several more. coterminous to Shakespeare, we may recall, Pope has contributed more to our common language than any other poet. It is a gift not lightly to be dismissed.One primary ill against the work is that it plagiarized the ... ...he Scriptures and in Pope, the goals of cosmic and poetic restoration are ones for which we can and must give thanks.Works CitedClark, Donald B. Alexander Pope. Twaynes English Author Series. peeled York Twayne Publishers, Inc., 196 7.Isles, Duncan. Pope and Criticism, in Alexander Pope, edited by Peter Dixon. Writers and their Backgrounds. Athens, Ohio Ohio University Press, 1972.Mack, Maynard. Alexander Pope A Life. immature York W. W. Norton and Company in association with New harbour Yale University Press, 1985.Morris, David B. Civilized Reading The Act of Judgment in An Essay on Criticism, in Alexander Pope, edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Modern Critical Reviews. New York Chelsea House Publishers, 1986.Williams, E. Audra and Aubrey, eds. Pastoral Poetry and An Essay on Criticism. New Haven Yale University Press, 1961.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
thier eyes were watching god :: essays research papers
Baby JanieTheir Eyes Were Watching God is a unused about a woman named Janie who grows up and finds out what tone and God have in store for her. The story is very similar to Black Women by Georgia Johnson. This novel and poem share similar themes, characters, and symbols. This similarity is seen through out these two works within their writing. These two stories both tell a basic theme of being born into a savage world and the choices which must be made by the characters. The themes main focus is on the increase of the baby and Janie and the course of studys they chose to follow. In Black Woman the child is ready to be born, but the fix isnt willing to have the baby just yet. Her argument for not wanting to have the baby is the fact that the world is full of cruelty and sin and the monster men (Johnson, 4) who inhabit the earth are bad. The mother in this poem can see the world is harsh and that raising a baby in such a world would be baffling and a struggle. In Their Eyes W ere Watching God, Janies grandma wants her to get married to an older man right away. Her reasoning is because she too also has seen how harsh the world is and doesnt want her baby Janie to be stuck alone and have to live in hardship. Janie, like the unborn child, is determined to go her admit path and set her own life. They both seem to feel that they are ready for what life has in store for them. Janie wants to live her own life by her own decisions, and the baby wants to go on the same path and be born into the world to start its path. These similarities in theme are very unmixed through the novel and relates to Black Womans story. Both Their Eyes Were Watching God and Black Woman have very similar characters collectable to their decisive and protective qualities. Janie is very happy with life as she sees it and wants to make her own decisions. Her grandma wants to protect her from a wrong choice, so she decides Janie must adopt Logan. I wants to see you married right away (H urston 12). Like Janie, the unborn child is ready to come into the world and live a beautiful life of happiness.
A lesson from a truck driver :: essays research papers
A Lesson from a Truck DriverThis story is about a lesson that my friends and I learned from a truck driver. It was a fine day when two of my best friends and I were walking home from school. We were in second grade and just immature as everybody else in our age. As we were walking on the sidewalk I found a big score on the ground. I wanted to have some summercater and told 1 of my friends, Junghee, that if he is brave enough, he could throw that sucker and hit a car driving by. He hesitated for a while and I started to make fun of him for being such a chicken. I could see that he was about to do what I asked him to, but he was still hesitating, afraid of getting in a trouble. I said, Come on, I throw small rocks at cars all the time. You will be just fine. And what else the driver is going to do, huh? They are non going to stop and run after us. And even if they do, we can still run away from them. We are pretty fast. He agreed with me and he threw the sucker high in the air. I didnt see any car coming at that very moment, but within a second, a loudly noise startled my ears when the sucker hit this blue trucks windshield. The truck driver kept going for a second so I thought nothing was going to happen. However, he suddenly hit the brake and stopped in front of the police station. The first thing I had in my mind was that he was going to go into the police station and tell the police officer what we did, and thats what scared me for a second. Fortunately he did not go into the police station. In spite of going into the police station, he looked at us and started running toward us. Thats when I said, RunWe started running towards our flat tire area, which was about 1000 meters away from the police station. I turned back when we were running, and saw that mans mad face. His face was so red that I thought he was totally drunk. As soon as I reached the main entrance of our apartment, my friend and I hid behind the trees and bushes. However, Junghee was a li ttle arcminute behind us.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Extent Europe Benefitted from Colonization :: Imperialism
European success and prosperity today can be taken back to their employment in colonization in the later years of the 19th century. It can be say that European success is be take a leak of imperialism. These countries gained in many aspects.I would deduct with the largeest gain which was the economic aspect. Firstly, Britain had started their Industrial Revolution which gave them a greater advantage in development in Europe in the late eighteenth century. With Industrialization taking place they needed a constant flow of lancinate materials at cheap prices. It can be said that Britain created a estate of the realm of milk and honey which they could not maintain by themselves. They showed that there was a flaw in their economic planning when their raw material reserves were diminish at a fast rate. To maintain the high standard of living they had set they had to warrant that there was a constant flow of raw materials. Obtaining raw materials in Europe at that time proved to b e an expensive endeavour and they axiom imperialism as the gateway out of their problem. The colonies supplied European countries with raw materials desire Gold, Rubber, Tea, Cotton etc.. Britain obtained tea, cotton, gold and various items from Southern Africa. Belgium obtained Rubber from the Congo at cheap prices. This make them one of the biggest contenders in the rubber industry. This improved their economy greatly and raised the countrys standard of living.Investment also comes into play. Because of the Long Depression there was a monstrous surplus of capital and many European countries invested in the working of their colonies.Trading companies were set up in the colonies. These companies were the ones that managed the transaction activities of the raw materials in the colonies. Profit from trading in the colonies would mostly return to the native land. These inflows of money increased European economies. for example, Belgium would receive profits from rubber trading in Congo.The Colonies provided marktes for European finished goods. This was a great benefit for them. Britain had markets in India and had largely monopolised markets where there was British influence. secondly the aspect of Empires comes into play. The successes of the First World War are mainly because of the colonies. Imperialism was a major cause of the war but the war victories were also because of the colonies. The colonies were joined to their motherland when it came time for armament for any conflicts. Britain had a strong navy but a trifling army.Extent Europe Benefitted from Colonization ImperialismEuropean success and prosperity today can be taken back to their participation in colonization in the later years of the 19th century. It can be said that European success is because of imperialism. These countries gained in many aspects.I would start with the greatest gain which was the economic aspect. Firstly, Britain had started their Industrial Revolution which gave them a greater advantage in development in Europe in the late 18th century. With Industrialization taking place they needed a constant flow of raw materials at cheap prices. It can be said that Britain created a land of milk and honey which they could not maintain by themselves. They showed that there was a flaw in their economic planning when their raw material reserves were diminishing at a fast rate. To maintain the high standard of living they had set they had to ensure that there was a constant flow of raw materials. Obtaining raw materials in Europe at that time proved to be an expensive endeavour and they saw imperialism as the gateway out of their problem. The colonies supplied European countries with raw materials like Gold, Rubber, Tea, Cotton etc.. Britain obtained tea, cotton, gold and various items from Southern Africa. Belgium obtained Rubber from the Congo at cheap prices. This made them one of the biggest contenders in the rubber industry. This improved their economy gre atly and raised the countrys standard of living.Investment also comes into play. Because of the Long Depression there was a large surplus of capital and many European countries invested in the works of their colonies.Trading companies were set up in the colonies. These companies were the ones that managed the trading activities of the raw materials in the colonies. Profit from trading in the colonies would mostly return to the motherland. These inflows of money increased European economies. for example, Belgium would receive profits from rubber trading in Congo.The Colonies provided marktes for European finished goods. This was a great benefit for them. Britain had markets in India and had largely monopolised markets where there was British influence.Secondly the aspect of Empires comes into play. The successes of the First World War are mainly because of the colonies. Imperialism was a major cause of the war but the war victories were also because of the colonies. The colonies were joined to their motherland when it came time for armament for any conflicts. Britain had a strong navy but a useless army.
Extent Europe Benefitted from Colonization :: Imperialism
European success and prosperity today can be taken derriere to their participation in colonization in the former(a)r long time of the 19th century. It can be said that European success is because of imperialism. These countries gained in many aspects.I would start with the greatest gain which was the economic aspect. Firstly, Britain had started their Industrial innovation which gave them a greater advantage in development in Europe in the late 18th century. With Industrialization taking place they needed a constant flow of huffy materials at cheap prices. It can be said that Britain created a land of milk and honey which they could not maintain by themselves. They showed that there was a flaw in their economic planning when their lovesome material reserves were diminishing at a fast rate. To maintain the lavishly standard of living they had set they had to ensure that there was a constant flow of raw materials. Obtaining raw materials in Europe at that time turn out to be an e xpensive endeavour and they saw imperialism as the gateway out of their problem. The colonies supplied European countries with raw materials like Gold, rubber, Tea, Cotton etc.. Britain obtained tea, cotton, gold and various items from Southern Africa. Belgium obtained Rubber from the Congo at cheap prices. This made them one of the biggest contenders in the rubber industry. This improved their delivery greatly and raised the countrys standard of living.Investment also comes into play. Because of the gigantic Depression there was a large surplus of capital and many European countries invested in the works of their colonies.Trading companies were set up in the colonies. These companies were the ones that managed the calling activities of the raw materials in the colonies. Profit from trading in the colonies would mostly return to the motherland. These inflows of money change magnitude European economies. for example, Belgium would receive profits from rubber trading in Congo.The Colonies provided marktes for European finished goods. This was a great benefit for them. Britain had markets in India and had largely monopolised markets where there was British influence.Secondly the aspect of Empires comes into play. The successes of the First World War be mainly because of the colonies. Imperialism was a major cause of the war but the war victories were also because of the colonies. The colonies were coupled to their motherland when it came time for armament for any conflicts. Britain had a strengthened navy but a useless army.Extent Europe Benefitted from Colonization ImperialismEuropean success and prosperity today can be taken back to their participation in colonization in the later years of the 19th century. It can be said that European success is because of imperialism. These countries gained in many aspects.I would start with the greatest gain which was the economic aspect. Firstly, Britain had started their Industrial Revolution which gave them a gr eater advantage in development in Europe in the late 18th century. With Industrialization taking place they needed a constant flow of raw materials at cheap prices. It can be said that Britain created a land of milk and honey which they could not maintain by themselves. They showed that there was a flaw in their economic planning when their raw material reserves were diminishing at a fast rate. To maintain the high standard of living they had set they had to ensure that there was a constant flow of raw materials. Obtaining raw materials in Europe at that time proved to be an expensive endeavour and they saw imperialism as the gateway out of their problem. The colonies supplied European countries with raw materials like Gold, Rubber, Tea, Cotton etc.. Britain obtained tea, cotton, gold and various items from Southern Africa. Belgium obtained Rubber from the Congo at cheap prices. This made them one of the biggest contenders in the rubber industry. This improved their economy greatly and raised the countrys standard of living.Investment also comes into play. Because of the Long Depression there was a large surplus of capital and many European countries invested in the works of their colonies.Trading companies were set up in the colonies. These companies were the ones that managed the trading activities of the raw materials in the colonies. Profit from trading in the colonies would mostly return to the motherland. These inflows of money increased European economies. for example, Belgium would receive profits from rubber trading in Congo.The Colonies provided marktes for European finished goods. This was a great benefit for them. Britain had markets in India and had largely monopolised markets where there was British influence.Secondly the aspect of Empires comes into play. The successes of the First World War are mainly because of the colonies. Imperialism was a major cause of the war but the war victories were also because of the colonies. The colonies were join ed to their motherland when it came time for armament for any conflicts. Britain had a strong navy but a useless army.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Apush Chapter 6 Outline Notes Essay
I. The urban FrontierBy 1890, New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia all had a population greater than 1 million. Louis Sullivan contributed to the development of the skyscraper. City limits were extended outward by electric trolleys. People were attracted to the cities by amenities such as electricity, indoor plumbing, and telephones. Trash became a erect problem in cities due to throwaway bottles, boxes, bags, and cans.II. The New ImmigrationThe New Immigrants of the 1880s came from southern and eastern europium. They came from countries with little history of democratic government, where people had braggy accustomed to harsh living conditions. Some Americans feared that the New Immigrants would not assimilate to life in their new land. They began asking if the nation had become a break up pot or a dumping ground.III. Southern Europe UprootedImmigrants left their native countries because Europe had no room for them. The population of Europe nearly manifold in the century after 18 00 due to abundant supplies of fish and grain from America and the widespread cultivation of Europe. America fever caught on in Europe as the fall in States was portrayed as a land of great opportunities. Persecutions of minorities in Europe sent many fleeing immigrants to the United States. Many immigrants never mean to stay in America forever a large number returned home with money. Those immigrants who stayed in the United States struggled to preserve their traditional culture.IV. Reactions to the New ImmigrationThe national government did virtually nothing to ease the assimilation of immigrants into American society. Trading jobs and services for votes, a powerful boss might claim the loyalty of thousands of followers. In return for their support at the polls, the boss provided jobs on the citys payroll, found housing for new arrivals, and helped get schools, parks, and hospitals built in immigrant neighborhoods. The nations social conscience gradually awakened to the trouble s of cities. Walter Rauschenbusch and Washington Gladden were Protestant clergymen who sought to apply the lessons of Christianity to the slums and factories.Jane Addams established Hull House, the most prominent American firmness of purpose house. Addams condemned war as well as poverty. Hull House offered instruction in English, counseling to help immigrants deal with American big-city life, childcare services for functional mothers, and cultural activities for neighborhood residents. Lillian Wald established Henry Street Settlement in New York in 1893.The settlement houses became centers of womens activism and of social reform. Florence Kelley was a lifelong paladin for the welfare of women, children, shadowys, and consumers. The pioneering work of Addams, Wald, and Kelley helped to create the trail that many women later followed into careers in the new profession of social work. The urban frontier opened new possibilities for women. The big majority of working women were si ngle due to the fact that society considered employment for wives and mothers taboo.V. Narrowing the Welcome MatAnt foreignism, or nativism, arose in the 1880s with intensity. Nativists overturned that the original Anglo-Saxon population would soon be outnumbered and outvoted. Nativists considered eastern and southern European immigrants inferior to themselves. They blamed the immigrants for the dreadful conditions of urban government, and unionists attacked the immigrants for their willingness to work for small wages. Among the antiforeigner validations form was the American Protective Association (APA). Created in 1887, it urged to vote against Roman Catholic candidates for office.Organized labor was quick to show its negative attitude towards immigrants. Immigrants were frequently utilize as strike-breakers. In 1882, Congress passed the first restrictive law against immigrants. It forced paupers, criminals, and convicts back to their home countries. In 1885, Congress prohibite d the importation of foreign workers downstairs contract-usually for substandard wages. Federal laws were later enacted that were made to keep the undesirables out of America. In 1882, Congress barred the Chinese completely from immigrating to the United States (Chinese Exclusion Act).VI. Churches Confront the Urban ChallengeProtestant churches suffered significantly from the population move to the cities, where many of their traditional doctrines and pastoral approaches seemed irrelevant. A new generation of urban revivalists stepped into this spreading moral vacuum. Dwight Lyman Moody, a Protestant evangelist, proclaimed a gospel of kindness and forgiveness.He contributed to adapting the old-time religion to the facts of city life. The Moody Bible Institute was founded in Chicago in 1889 to carry out his work. Roman Catholic and Jewish faiths were gaining enormous strength from the New Immigration. By 1890, there were over 150 religious denominations in the United States. The Chu rch of Christ, Scientist was founded in 1879 by Mary Baker Eddy who preached that the true practice of Christianity heals sickness.VII. Darwin Disrupts the ChurchesPublished in 1859 by Charles Darwin, On the Origin of the Species stated that valet had slowly evolved from lower forms of life. The theory of evolution cast serious doubt on the idea of religion. Conservatives stood firmly in their beliefs of God and religion, while Modernists flatly refused to acquire the Bible in its entirety.VIII. The Lust for LearningDuring this time period, open education and the idea of tax-supported elementary schools and high schools were gathering strength. Teacher-training schools, called normal schools, experienced great intricacy after the Civil War. The New Immigration in the 1880s and 1890s brought new strength to the private Catholic parochial schools, which were fast becoming a major part of the nations educational structure. Public schools excluded millions of adults. Crowded cities generally provided better educational facilities than the old one-room rural schoolhouses.IX. Booker T. Washington and development for obtuse PeopleThe South lagged far behind other regions in public education, and African-Americans suffered the most. The leading champion of black education was ex-slave Booker T. Washington. He taught in 1881 at the black normal and industrial school at Tuskegee, Alabama. His self-help approach to solving the nations racial problems was labeled accommodationist because it stopped short of straightaway challenging white supremacy.Washington avoided the issue of social equality. George Washington Carver taught and researched at Tuskegee Institute in 1896. He became an internationally famous agricultural chemist. Black leaders, including Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, attacked Booker T. Washington because Washington condemned the black race to manual labor and perpetual inferiority. Du Bois helped to form the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1910.X. The Hallowed Halls of IvyFemale and black colleges shot up after the Civil War.The Morrill Act of 1862, passed after the Southern states had seceded, provided a generous grant of the public lands to the states for support of education. The Hatch Act of 1887 extended the Morrill Act and provided federal funds for the establishment of agricultural experiment stations in connection with the land-grant colleges. Millionaires and tycoons donated generously to the educational system. Johns Hopkins University, founded in 1876, maintained the nations first high-grade graduate school.XI. The March of the MindDue to new scientific gains, public health increased.William throng made a large impact in psychology through his numerous writings.XII. The Appeal of the PressThe Library of Congress was founded in 1897 from the donations of Andrew Carnegie. The invention of the Linotype in 1885 increased the production of texts. Joseph Pulitzer was a leader in the techniques of sensationalism in St. Louis. William Randolph Hearst built up a chain of newspapers beginning with the San Francisco Examiner in 1887. The Associated Press, founded in the 1840s, was gaining strength and wealth.XIII. Apostles of ReformMagazines partially satisfied the public appetite for good reading. Possibly the most influential journal of all was the New York Nation.Started in 1865 by Edwin L. Godkin, it crusaded militantly for civil-service reform, honesty in government, and a moderate tariff. Henry George, another journalistic author, wrote the book Progress and Poverty in 1879, which attempted to solve the association of development with poverty. According to George, the pressure of growing population on a fixed supply of land unjustifiably pushed up property values, showering unearned profits on owners of land. He supported a single tax. Edward Bellamy wrote the socialistic novel, Looking Backward, in which the year 2000 contained nationalized big business to serve the pu blic interest.XIV. Postwar WritingAs literacy increased, so did book reading. Dime novels were short books that usually told of the wilds of the West. General Lewis Wallace wrote the novel, Ben Hur A Tale of the Christ, to combat Darwinism. Horatio Alger was a Puritan-driven New Englander who wrote more than 100 volumes of juvenile legend involving New York newsboys in 1866.XV. Literary LandmarksIn novel writing, the romantic sentiment of a youthful era was giving way to the crude human prank and drama of the world. In 1899, feminist Kate Chopin wrote most adultery, suicide, and womens ambitions in The Awakening. Mark Twain was a journalist, humorist, satirist, and opponent of social injustice. He recaptured the limits of realism and humor in the authentic American dialect. Bret Harte was also an author of the West, writing in California of gold-rush stories. William Dean Howells became the editor in chief of the prestigious Boston-based Atlantic Monthly.He wrote about ordinary people and about contemporary, and sometimes controversial, social themes. Stephen Crane wrote about the unpleasant underside of life in urban, industrial America. Henry James wrote of the brush of innocent Americans with subtle Europeans. His novels frequently included women as the central characters, exploring their inner reactions to complex situations with a skill that marked him as a master of psychological realism.By 1900, portrayals of modern-day life and social problems were the literary order of the day. Jack London was a famous nature writer who turned to depicting a possible fascistic revolution in The Iron Heel. Black writer Paul Laurence Dunbar embraced the use of black dialect and folklore to capture the richness of southern black culture. Theodore Dreiser wrote with disregard for prevailing moral standards.XVI. The New MoralityVictoria Woodhull wrote the periodical, Woodhull and Clafins Weekly in 1872, which proclaimed her belief in free love. Anthony Comstock made a life-long war on the immoral. The Comstock Law censored immoral material from the public.XVII. Families and Women in the CityUrban life launched the era of divorce. People in the cities were having fewer children because more children would mean more mouths to feed. Women were growing more independent in the urban environment. Feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman called upon women to abandon their dependent status and contribute to the larger life of the companionship through productive involvement in the economy. XVIII. In 1890, the National American Woman Suffrage Association was founded. The re-born suffrage movement and other womens organization excluded black women. Ida B. Wells helped to launch the black womens club movement, which led to the establishment of the National Association of Colored Women in 1896.XIX. Prohibition of Alcohol and well-disposed ProgressLiquor consumption had increased in the days of the Civil War and had continued to flourish afterwards. The National Prohibition Party was formed in 1869. The Womans Christian Temperance Union was formed in 1874 by militant women. The Anti-Saloon League was sweeping new states into prohibiting alcohol, and in 1919, the national proscription amendment (18th) was passed.XX. Artistic TriumphsMusic and portrait painting was gaining popularity.The phonograph, invented by Thomas Edison, enabled the reproduction of music by mechanical means.XXI. The Business of AmusementThe circus, arising to American demand for fun, emerged in the 1880s. Baseball was also emerging as the national pastime, and in the 1870s a professional league was formed. The move to spectator sports was exemplified by football.Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Progressive Era Essay
The modernised era directly followed the post-civil war sentence of chaos and corruption. The United States of the States desperately needed change. As a result of this desire for change a varied group called progressives (which were largely composed of white middle class), pushed to break Americas current condition and created a set of goals. A majority of these goals were achieved pushing America to having increased social justice, corporation control, and regulations on consumer products. just not all hopes of change were granted and some failures still remained.The progressive era was a time of major reform and for the most part took strides of succeeder towards its myriad of goals, which the U. S. desperately needed to achieve. This era completely contrasts with the post civil war era, and created a better America. A large reason why this time of reform could occur is because during this time America had politically progressive thinkers. Theodore Roosevelt dedicated much of his presidency to increase and improve America as a elective nation with an abundant source of justice and liberty.Roosevelt formed the new square deal which (the 3 cos) controlled the corporations, had restrictions on consumer products, and allowed direct nominations. In the 17th amendment it was state that elections should be nominated and controlled by the people. Document D describes the shift from the previous system of indirect voting through the electoral college, to the new direct nominations make from the people. This signified the power of the people and increased democracy ideals. Another one of Roosevelts contributions to progressivism was the regulation of nerve, food and pissing.Document B illustrates the horrifying unsanitary conditions of meat packaging, but during the progressive era acts were passed to make restrictions and laws about the sanitation of consumer products. there were as well regulations on water purity, and systems were developed to improve pip ing systems and created healthy water available to the public (especially in urban areas). The diseases and health issues portrayed in Doc. B were dramatically lessened as these regulations were put into move into and medical advances were made.Roosevelt also contributed to the much needed act of trust busting. The cartoon in Doc. A shows T. R. using his big brandishing stick to crush monopolies and corrupt trusts which controlled big industries. However later T. R. s terms as president Woodrow Wilson went on a trust busting frenzy and together they stamped out a majority of trusts (T. R. crushed 44 trusts in 7 years while Wilson busted 70 trusts in only 4 years). In the Clayton antitrust act, laws against unjust ways of business were put into place.It became immoral to discriminate in price between different purchasers. any line of commerce(Doc. E) This act states that no discrimination in cost could be utilize and it made monopolies illegal. This act also kindly noted that lab or organizations were legal. Another achieved goal during the progressive era was the economic positive aspects that were put into place. The federal capture act insured that money would be controlled and divided to ensure its safety and conservation. The progressive era also was the final push women needed to secure their suffrage.There were helpful constrictions of labor and the hours and conditions improved. Public schooling also was improved and increased during this era. Also an environmental movement occurred. An innumerous amount of achievements and successes resulted from this reform movement. Although ultimately the progressive era brought a positive light over America it had some minor failures. For most of this movement it was backed politically but Taft (besides trust busting) was a set back to this revolution.In addition, Wilson didnt place any laws against the KKK or ant lynching laws. Document I shows the discrimination against races and the ability to preform (perfo rm) abhor crimes without legal restrictions. Another social injustice was the lack of passing the equal rights amendment. The picture in Document H shows how equal rights werent set into place under Wilson. Although Wilson was a progressive in some aspects he was a racist and sexist in other areas. An economic problem cause by this era was the idea of credits. Credits were used to increase consumerism but in reality it just created large devts, which is a cause of the great depression. In universal the progressive era led to a number of successes, but it also had its drawbacks. In conclusion, the progressive era led to various economic, social, and political reforms, most of which were positive. take down though it has some negative outcomes, in reality, some of these issues can never be completely solved, even today. All in all, the progressive era worked to acquire a better nations and created many successes for the United States of America.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
College Costs Essay
Introduction Its no secret that financing a college training is getting tougher. College costs have skyrocketed over the erstwhile(prenominal) decade or so, and in that locations no relief in sight. Aver mature breeding at four-year colleges will increase 7 percent this teach year, double the govern of inflation. Student aid is not increasing fast enough to plug the growing gap between culture and family finances. In addition, thither is a growing number of older inculcatechilds entering college today. These savants have families that they need to support.I know, because I am a family man who has returned to school. I wish to get along to an end my degree at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The only problems I face be financial in nature. It is with this in mind that I set about this research. The not so simple question Is financial aid available to older l realizeers, and if so, how do they go about obtaining it? The Cost Of Education The cost of higher education varies by type of institution. Tuition is highest at cliquish 4-year institutions, and lowest at man 2-year institutions.The esoteric 4-year colleges nearly quadrupled their average tuition rates between 1975 and 1996. For private 4-year colleges, tuition and fees for the 1995-96 schoolman year averaged about $15,400, compared with about $5006 at public 4-year colleges. The cost of attending an institution of higher education includes not only tuition and fees, however, but similarly books and supplies, transportation, personal expenses and, whatevertimes, room and board. Although tuition and fees generally are substantially lower at public institutions than at private adepts, the otherwise student costs are about the same.According to MS-Encarta94,the average cost for tuition, fees, and room and board for the 1995-96 academic year at private 4-year colleges was about $20,165. At public 4-year colleges the average combined cost was about $9290 (Encarta94). The cost of atten ding RIT is approximately $15700 per year. This does not include room and board, or books, and supplies . This cost falls in broth with the national average. However , according to Rachel Shuman of the RIT Financial Aid subdivision,the increase in cost at RIT was 4. 8 percent for the 1996-97 academic year over the 1995-96 academic year. This falls 2. 2 percent below the national average for 4 year private institutions. Still, $15700 is a lot of dollars for an unemployed family man or adult female with little or no income. The Cost Of Living Factor Though the Cost Of Living is not directly related to tuition it is still a major player in the decision making process. Is it possible to maintain a family financial structure while granting for an education? The cost of a mortgage, or rent, and other bills that are associated with living adds up to many thousands of dollars per year.These costs in addition to what the tuition, books, and supplies total are expected, and have to be dea lt with. The financial institutionalize alone can seem over-whelming to some. still let us consider what the total cost of living and attending a four year private institution are. The Bureau of Census statistics for the County of Monroe indicate that the approximate average income for a family of four is $50964. The poverty level for a family of four is approximately $15455. These are statistics deliberate for the 1995 calendar year.No newer statistics were available. With these statistics in mind we can then determine the financial model we must follow. This model will determine what the total annually outlay a family of four must shoulder in order to send a person to RIT. The Financial Burden First and first off a family has to live. The Census data indicates that the minimum a family must earn is a poverty level income. So, lets assume a family require $16000 per year for living expenses. The cost of attending RIT is $15651 per year. Books and supplies are approximately $ 1200 per year.Finally, travel expenses will be approximately $500 per year. I am assuming that one spouse will be working to cover the living expenses. So, I am excluding medical and dental costs. These costs are partially or fully covered by an employer. In the event they are not let us include them in the poverty scenario, which basically means the family must pay the costs. The total amount of funds needed are $17700 the first year. If you increase that number by 4. 8% each year thereafter you can come up with the projected amount for each school year.The $17700 figure remains the obstacle to overcome. This cost has to be covered by Financial Aid. If this cost cannot be covered by the available system, the student will not be able to pursue a standard four year degree at RIT. Familys Will Strain Its going to be tougher to pay for college in 1996, and thats going to widen the gap in adjustment between rich and poor students that the nation has struggled three decades to close. A verage tuition at four-year colleges will increase 6 percent this school year, double the rate of inflation.But family income isnt keeping pace after adjusting for inflation, the average family has gained hardly any ground in the 1990s, says the Department of Labor. As a result, says the Department of Education,send a student to a private college in 1996 without any grants or loans will require more than a third of a typical familys income and nearly two thirds of the income of a working-poor family. The Government Student aid is not increasing fast enough to plug the growing gap between tuition and family finances. The federal government supplies 75 percent of student aid.But the value of federal grants has eroded sharply, covering only 10 percent of tuition today, compared with 20 percent a decade ago. The Financial Aid Page explains that Congresss budget-cutting Republicans want to spend $450 million less in 1996 on student grants, a move that education officials say would take nearly 200,000 student off the grant rolls. Also at risk a new federal program that helps less affluent students by permitting them to repay federal loans over a longer period if their incomes after graduation are modest (Kantrowitz). non surprisingly, the American Council on Education anorganization of colleges and universities, recently reported that fewer colleges than in the early 1990s report enrollment increases among black and Hispanic students, who are generally less able to pay for college. Once in school, more and more students must work to pay their tuition bills. At least 40 percent of full-time undergraduate students are earning while they learn, says the ACE. The prognosis isnt encouraging.The tuition spiral is not likely to end, nor is student aid likely to catch up with up anytime soon, write college cost experts Lawrence Gladieux and Arthur Hauptman in a new report, The College Aid Quandary. To a nation that likes to think of itself as a meritocracy, not merely a bastion of privilege, thats a disturbing message (Kantrowitz). Well, thats a lot of important statistical study. Enough I think that most multitude would like to throw this paper out and forget the whole idea of returning to school. But not so fast, there is a light at the end of this tunnel Where Should I Begin My Search? The financial aid office at the school you plan to attend is the best place to pose your search for free information.The financial aid administrator can tell you about student aid available from the federal government, your state government, the school itself, and other sources. You can also find free information about student aid in the reference section of your local library (usually listed under student aid or financial aid). These materials usually include information about federal, state, institutional, and private aid. The major source of student financial aid is the U. S. Department of Education. Nearly 70 percent of the student aid that is awarded each year comes from the U. S. Department of Education programs (approximately $23.4 billion in 1992-93). Student aid is also available from other federal agencies, such as the U. S. Public Health Service and the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The free student financial aid materials available in the financial aid office at your school include The Student Guide, a free booklet about financial aid from the U. S. Department of Education, and the poverty-stricken Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). (Education) Financial Aid for Older Students Many scholarship and fellowship programs do not have age restrictions. If there are restrictions, they are expressed in terms of the students year in school (e.g. , high school senior) and not as an age limit.Thus there are many awards for which older students are eligible, simply because the awards do not disqualify students based on age. Older students should conduct a search for aid just like younger students. in that location are no,age restrictions on eligibility for federal student financial aid. Although many schools restrict eligibility for the schools own financial aid programs to the first Bachelors degree, some schools will waive the restrictions when the student is an adult returning to school to earn a second degree in preparation for a career change (Kantrowitz).The Financial Aid Office Following the advice of the sources I have use for compiling this research paper I contacted the Financial Aid Office at RIT and set up an interview. While waiting for the date of my appointment I compiled a list of questions I would ask the Financial Aid Officer(FAO). When the day of the interview was at hand I was prepared. The FAOs at RIT are appoint to students alphabetically. My FAO is Rachel Schuman and she was genuinely surprised that I had a prepared list of questions. Here is a synopsis of that interview.I asked her what the total cost of attending RIT would be for the flood tide school year? What expense s are incurred? What are the chances of being turned down? She was fairly straightforward about answering most of the questions that I posed. However on some sticky issues she was reserved. At one point she had to check with her boss for an answer. I wondered if she was merely asking her boss if it was against policy to answer certain questions. There were a number times that she simply pointed across the hall to admissions. Indicating that they could answer my questions better.The basic answers were that Yes RIT gives Merit Scholarships, and that probably some type of loans and/or work determine program would be required. Mrs. Schuman then told me that if you are eligible for aid you will receive it. I was not particularly encouraged by her explanations and as I found out later I as right. The first thing you have to do is get accepted by the College Admissions Department. This in itself is another bureaucratic nightmare. I talked to Al Biles the Assistant Dean of Computer Informa tion Technology and said, Just go over to admissions and sign up. Well when I got to admissions I compensable my fee and waited for three weeks for a letter that never came. Instead I got a postcard telling me I need to get my GED. I went keep going to see Mrs. Schuman. Rachel then explained to me that there is a process for obtaining financial aid. You must first fill out all necessary forms and applications. Then according to the information you supply you will be assigned a Student Aid Report(SAR). The SAR will show your Expected Family Contribution(EFC).Then your EFC is subtracted from the schools Cost ofAttendance which gives your FAO the students Financial need. found on my interview with Rachel Schuman it became apparent that I needed to arrange an interview with admissions. In order to capable up the two unanswered questions. But, before I left, Mrs. Schuman gave me three applications to fill out.The FAFSA, the New York State Tuition Assistance(TAP) application, and the RIT Application For 1997-98 Financial Aid For Continuing Undergraduate Students. At this point it was becoming very clear to me that there is money available, but the process is slow and filled with bureaucratic red tape.I guess if you want to play though, you might as tumesce play with the big kids. Admissions Shortly after my talk with Rachel Schuman I telephoned Renee Minnich. Renee Minnich is the Assistant Director of the Office of Admissions for RIT. I asked her,What portion of the most recently admitted variance is paying full tuition? Her reply, Practically nil. Most of our students receive aid. Those that do are working full time and attend class at night. But they are usually subsidized by their employers. Do you package preferentially? Yes we have merit based scholarships for outstanding students.But we attempt to meet the necessitate of each student individually. Conclusion Well there we have it. The system at RIT is set up as a meritocracy for the most part. Those students which have turn up themselves in High School or are transfer students have a far better chance of receiving grants and scholarships. The rest of the students will receive some sort of loan relief. Still others will receive aid based on their financial situation. The system is complicated and you the student are at its mercy. suppose also, you must get admitted first before you need apply for financial aid.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Moral Values Essay
The fabric of any society is held together by the standards of honorableity that we maintain and practice. Values argon our personal set of beliefs slightly what is authorised, unimportant, rightfield, ill-treat, good and bad. When we argon confronted by resources, options, or chaste dilemmas, the finiss we nonplus will indicate what values we hold. Human values croak worthiness and respect to life. The foundation of human values are based on Dignity of human life Respect and consideration for the other The vastness of integrity and service An attitude of non-violence The individual and collective quest for peace and happiness. In other words, values are a kind of a act in our minds of how things are or should be. Values are only our perception of the principles of nature that govern our lives or the universe, and non these principles themselves. People think that there should be a specific set of principles protecting and governing all human beings. However, other s believe that values can be accepted in one cultivation and rejected in another culture. This idea is based on the belief that moral principles differ across cultures.Our moral values are our beliefs about what is important in life. more or less values refer to how one should act (be honest, altruistic, self-disciplined) while other values refer to what one wants to accomplish or obtain in life (a lot of money, fame, a family, friendships, world peace). Because a person cannot have it all or be all things, priorities must be set and choices made. lay your priorities often leads to value conflicts. We may want to be successful in your career, but we may also want a more relaxing modus vivendi and more time to spend with friends and family. Here, the value of success may come into conflict with the value of family. Some examples of moral values are integrity, respect, caring, justice, civic virtue, and openness. anyhow I am worried about the fact that our society is in moral decl ine. clean-livingity is a very broad and complicated topic payable to the fact that it is based primarily on individual opinions. Moral values constantly change with the generations. However, most passel would agree that straightaways moral values are more tolerant of behaviour that, a generation ago, would have been considered obscene and immoral. For example, sex on television is accepted by todays public as normal, but until the 1980s one could hardly say theword sex on television without being condemned. Yes, our society is before long in a rapid decline of moral values. Judging by current statistics, all that once was immoral is now considered moral. It seems as though people have lost their conscience and are now controlled by their surroundings.The majority of youth all over the world know very comminuted about Moral Values. Very often the behaviour of kidskinren in society proves that moral values are hardly even a subject of importance. Today, the violence and crimes often occur when a troubled teen or a fragile chela cannot handle the pressure and stress of reality. The influential factor of violence spreads so easily a child finds this influence simply by turning the television set on. In fact, any news channel unfortunately shows the actions of teenagers committing the impetuous act of murder without any remorse. All of this animosity and chaos within children begin with not knowing the difference between the right and the wrong. But something should be done.The positive influence of religion, education, and peers greatly effect a childs manner and behaviour. Traditional values and important lessons from these sources certainly help a child to understand the distinction between right and wrong choices in life. An important value for children to be aware of is the benefit of religion. The church teaches children to accept the existence of a being higher than man and gives a child the possibility to learn the moral values the way the Bible pr esents them. By understanding the responsibility of choice making, young people learn to think about the consequences or aftermath of their decision. Religion serves as a foundation for knowing the difference between the right and the wrong. The involvement of religion better prepares children for certain difficulties in life.The value of education is an important tool that induces the growth of young people to a more train level. Education builds knowledge and integrity into the minds of children. School also guides children away from trouble with essays and math problems, a child has no time for trouble. Parents must emphasize the importance of education to their children. Education strengthens the capabilities of the youth. A child becomes a better individual when he experiences the goodness of church, education, andfriendship that is the relevancy of values and lessons. In order for the nation to minimize crime, the children of this generation must reevaluate their choices and responsibilities in life.They also need the assistance of parents and teachers for guidance through the tough reality of todays decision making. The aim should be to produce morally viable, responsible individuals and not scholars. Sadly today the virtues like honesty, integrity and respect are considered old fashioned. There has been graduated erosion in these values. The growing crime rate among the children in the developed nations is a good instance of lack of moral values.Whenever and wherever preference is prone to materialism over moral values, it leads to total chaos. No one can be at peace, be it an individual, a community, a nation, or the whole world. Moral education is not something that can be imposed on someone from outside rather it is a way of life.Fast changing society has its fussy problem old social structures go away and replaced by new ones. Hence the old moral values get into the clash with the new ones, and this is not a clash of different social groups, this is a clash inside one person. Market based society, which by its nature breaks boundaries between individuals, creating more opportunities, creates moral problems. As a result there are two sets of contradicting moral values in the persons mind and there is no balance. These are the examples changing relationship between sexes, between employer and employee leading to the internal conflict of moral values.It is matter of great concern and regret that today up bearing essence providing good food, clothes and luxuries of life only. Moral values are no longer an integral part of a childs rearing up. Some years back, grand parents provided moral education to grand children in the form of bedtime stories.But with the advent of nuclear families, moral education has become the responsibility of the educational institutions. But it should be the responsibility of the parents to bring out the best and divine in their child.There is no more powerful creature for a child than parents. The system of learning and adaptation to the life and society in particular is based on hungry absorption by kids of behavioural patterns and ideas from parents. Parents share subconsciously and freely with their kids all they know up to the point, when kids get problems. Actually it is very hard to limit voluntarily parental control, even harder to find the right balance. At least subconsciously, adults perceive their kids as a continuation of themselves. This perception produces protective and controlling behaviour, which kids need to survive and learn. However there is an important kids need which adults do not perceive the need to learn how to make decisions and the need to make them. I mean real decisions, which carry serious consequences, decisions which adults make all the time, which no adult can avoid, and which adults do not want to avoid, because they are the essence of the life.Drugs and crime endanger the survival potential of youth and parents as well as educators. Th ey endanger childrens future and threaten the very fabric of society. Drugs inevitably lead to ruined lives. Harmful actions and criminal behaviour bring unhappiness, and not just for the victim but the perpetrator as well.In todays world, teaching youth the difference between right and wrong is not just a good idea, it is a vital action that directly relates to the survival potential and happiness of children and society. As an educator and one who genuinely cares about the well-being and future of our children parents really have an opportunity to help young people steer away and stay away from lives of drugs and crime.A little reflection will show that most of great men were great because they were more humane than the rest of us. With total chaos and dwindling moral values, and a mad rush for material comforts, it has become clear that it is only moral education that can bring solace to the otherwise tormented soul.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Domestic Violence Against Women
Domestic abuse against women In her news article, the spokesperson for amnesty international describes domestic force-out as a worldwide phenomenon that violates the human race rights of female victims (Mite, 2005). In addition, the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) described abandon against women as a global epidemic that kills, tortures, and maims physically, psychologically, sexually and economically. It is one of the most permeant of human rights violations, denying women and girls equality, security, dignity, self-worth, and their right to enjoy fundamental freedoms (UNICEF, 2000).I agree with the above assertions because violence against women is so rampant and it happens in all spheres of life, be it in homes, work places, on the streets, learning institutions, and during moments of war and peace alike. Because of the pervasiveness of domestic violence against women and its devastating physical and psychological effects, my cover will be focusing on domestic violenc e against women in Canada.I believe that domestic abuse against women should be eradicated in this twenty-first century because it breeds psychic disempowerment, mental distress, and affects womens health, wellness and self esteem. The question that this paper will address is the following what resources should be made available to yield female victims of domestic violence who are currently living with an abusive partner, or have recently left an abusive relationship? The paper will begin with a definition of domestic violence, followed by a discussion of resources and the nursing role.According to Etter and Birzer (2007), domestic violence occurs when a partner or former partner inflicts physical harm on someone with whom they have or previously had an learned relationship. This physical harm can result in major or minor injury, and can be inflicted with or without a weapon. Researchers have identified validating counseling as beneficial to female victims of domestic violence (Madoc-Jones & Roscoe, 2010 McNamara, Tamanini, & Pelletier-Walker, 2008). The emotional support that counseling offers can protagonist female victims of domestic violence come upon trengths and assets that they may not have been apprised they possessed because their partners criticisms may have left them feeling worthless and feeling incapable of taking action to shift their circumstances. Working with a counselor would enable the women to develop a healthy self-image, become aware of their resilience and personal strength, and they may begin to see themselves as survivors of domestic violence as opposed to victims. By becoming aware of their strengths, women may begin to feel empowered and capable of mobilizing their personal resources to take move towards leaving the abusive relationship.Counseling can also provide female victims of domestic violence with an opportunity to reduce their feelings of self-blame for the abuse they receive when they are made aware of the prevalen ce of domestic violence and the factors that contribute to it, such as patriarchal social structures, income differentials between men and women, and cultural norms that condone the use of physical pugnacity against women. This knowledge would help reduce their feelings of isolation and blame because they would understand that they are not alone in their experience of domestic violence.Because of the economic dependency of women on their abusers (Sanders, Weaver, & Schnabel, 2007), the social structure has placed women on the receiving end by keeping them down economically through lower wages and less opportunities for employment (Sanders, Weaver, & Schnabel, 2007). As a result, it can be argued that belonging to a low income group and economic dependence, among other factors, may be linked to higher rates of wedding assault against women. Many low income female victims of domestic violence are at a high risk of developing psychological problems such as depression, stress, and low self esteem (Hare, 2010).They are also emotionally attached to the abuser to the extent that they cannot leave a relationship for fear of being left alone in a wretched economic situation (Hare, 2010). As a result, some may be worried about child support and financial care, and others may be afraid of the threats of retaliation and abduction of children by the abuser. Given that economic dependence is significant in domestic abuse, there is a desire for victims to create their own economic independence. In this way, women would no longer look at men as the sole bread winners of the family or providers of childcare and financial ssistance, and they would be able to support themselves financially if they were to leave their abusive partners. To implement the above, the government needs to provide access to job training and education gear towards female victims of domestic violence. This could serve as a fundamental tool that dismantles a vicious cycle of oppression, abuse and pove rty of women. Given that the nursing work plays an important role in public health, nurses can use their skills to advocate on behalf of the abused by creating awareness about the impact of domestic violence against women.Advocacy could also involve referrals to resources for women, such as counseling services and shelters for women leaving abusive partners, as well as providing victims with information about how to protect themselves against abuse, component them develop a safety plan, and helping to reduce their feelings of self-blame and shame by highlighting the pervasiveness of domestic violence. This paper identified some of the resources that would provide support and assistance to female victims of domestic violence, such as economic support and counseling.The importance of economic support cannot be overlooked because financial independence can runway to improvements in psychological health and well-being, and creates the material means through which these women can esca pe from an abusive relationship. In addition, counseling can reduce womens isolation, self-blame, and help them identify their assets and personal resources, which can boost their self-confidence and provide them with the strength to leave the abuser.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Elizabeth Keckley
English 248 12 December 2009 Elizabeth Keckley Is She a Pioneer of Womanism? Keckley was innate(p) a buckle down in Virginia. She was an excellent seamstress and dressmaker. Using her skill and contacts she bought her freedom in 1855. After she was freed, she made her way to Washington, D. C. Elizabeth Keckley (1818-1907), seamstress and dressmaker to the wives of numerous political movers and shakers of that day. Her client list included Varina Davis, of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and bloody shame Todd Lincoln, of President Abraham Lincoln.She sewed and tailored dresses for the daughters and ladies of the most prominent families. As her reputation mounted, she came to the solicitude of Mary Todd Lincoln, and soon became her dressmaker. Keckleys soon became a companion to Mary Todd. When Mary Todd fell under financial strain after the assassination of her husband, Keckley helped Mary Todd auction off her clothing in New York. This effort proved to be futile and only ser ved to bring negative attention to Mary Todd.In another attempt to generate funds for Todd as well as her, Keckley published her diaries in 1868 Behind the Scenes or Thirty Years a break ones backward and Four Years in the White House. pic Mary Todd hated her portrayal in the book, to the point where her oldest son had it removed from publication. Because of the controversy, Keckley was treated like an outcast and her care declined. throughout her experiences Keckley maintained an air of dignity and self respected. When Keckley and Mary Todd went their separate ways, Keckley did not deign to speak ill of Mary Todd.This was indicative of the strength of slip that Keckley possessed. According to the African American Registry, From 1892 to 1893, she left Washington to teach domestic science at Wilberforce University in Ohio. She returned soon after to spend the rest of her long time at the Home for Destitute Women and Children in Washington, which she had helped to establish. She died there from a stroke May 26, 1907. (1) There is a body of thought that subscribes to the idea that African American women have developed mindset to cope and prosper in American society.This mindset has been named Womanism. Womanism should in no way be confused with Feminism. Feminism is the impression that women are equal to and some ways superior to men. Because of this feminist proscribe to the notion the women station in American society should be equalized by some(prenominal) room short of violence. In her book Sisters in the Wilderness, Delores Williams defines womanism in the following way Womanist theology is a prophetic voice concerned about the eudaemonia of the entire African American community, male and female, adults and children.Womanist theology attempts to help black women see, affirm, and have confidence in the importance of their experience and faith for determining the percentage of the Christian religion in the African American community. Womanist theology ch altogetherenges all oppressive forces impeding black womens struggle for survival and for the development of a positive, productive quality of life contributing(prenominal) to womens and the familys freedom and well-being. Womanist theology opposes all conquering based on race, sex, class, sexual preference, physical ability, and caste (67). 2) Throughout her life Keckley was a subscriber of Womanism. Keckley opposed three aspects of oppression-sexual, race and caste. Keckley proved to be an advocate for her family life as well as others. Keckley at all times strived to be a productive member of American and African American society. Born a slave and female, it was inevitable that Keckley would face sexual oppression at some time. It can be argued that perhaps the Keck leys mistress sensed her husbands interest in Keckley. Because of this Keckley received undeserved beatings. My wrangle seem to exasperate him.He seized the rope, caught me roughly, and tried to tie me. I resist ed with all my strength, but he was the stronger of the two and, after a hard struggle, succeeded in cover song my hands and tearing my dress from my back. Then he picked up a rawhide, and began to ply it freely over my shoulder. With steady hand and practiced eye he would raise the instrument of torture and nerve himself for a blow and with fearful force the rawhide descended upon the quivering flesh. It cut the skin, raised great welts, and the blood trickled down my back (20-21). This particular beating was requesting by the mistress.Keckley was never given a reason for it. The tearing off the dress is a form of sexual humiliation. Even slave women had a sense of self-respect about nudity Oh God I can feel the torture-now the terrible, excruciating agony of those moments. I did not scream I was too proud to let my tormentor know what I was suffering. I closed my lips firmly, that not even a groan might escape from them, and I stood like a statute while the keen lash cut into my flesh (20-21). This may have also been the first time that Keckley shows some suit of resistance to her oppressor.Not allowing her tormentors to know how much she was suffering could only cause more(prenominal) suffering. Knowing that a lifetime of slavery would lead to only more unjustified persecution served as an impetus for Keckley to escape slavery. It is amazing that Keckley persevered to leave slavery considering that even her parents thought that only death would set them free. Her father wrote In idealisation there weel meet to part no more forever. So dear wife I hope to meet you In paradase to prase god forever(15). plaster bandage off her bonds of slavery and sexual repression was the first big step in Keckley becoming a paradigm of womanism.While Keckley was noneffervescent in slavery she wed a man whom she thought was a freeman. She found out later that was not the case. Mr. Keckley-let me speak kindly of his faults-proved dissipated, and a burden instead of a he lpmate. more than all, I learned that he was a slave instead of a free man, as he represented himself to be. With the simple explanation that I lived with him for octette years, I will charity draw around him a mantle of silence (32). It is rumored that Mr. Keckley was an alcoholic. Keckley refused to have a child of her free will while still a slave. for I could not bear the thought of bringing children into slavery (29). (3) In explaining how Keckley believed in the development of a positive, productive quality of life conducive to women Xiomara Santamarina writes The author was a popular dressmaker, and according to her, work was not simply about the material conditions of proceeds but, more importantly, about the emotions of respect and attachment the production process entailed(4). Keckleys ability as a dressmaker turned out to be not only an economic tool but indeed the means by which she achieved status as a socialite on the D.C. scene. The respect afforded Keckley by Wash ingtonians was seldom given any African Americans at the time. Keckley was well known in religious circles as well as the social scene. She was a devout member of the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church. . Alice Walker wrote about womanism as challenging inherit traditions for their collusion with androcentric patriarchy as well as a catalyst in overcoming oppressive situations through revolutionary acts of rebellion(5). It is fitting that a new-sprung(prenominal) concept of thought has been attributed to African American women.After all what other segment of American society has dealt with the drawbacks of enslavement, racism, sexual abuse, classism and sexism? The African American womans journey to find their place in America has taken them through waters uncharted and untraveled by anyone else. There should be no storm when their rudder is lifted from the turbulent water for inspection it is of a unique design. Strong, true, dependable, righteous without being self-righteous and always challenging what is to progress to what can be. This rudder may be defined as womanism.Elizabeth Keckley was indeed a pioneer of womanism. Works Cited (1)Reference Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Keckly The Remarkable Story of the Friendship Between a First Lady and a Former Slave. Jennifer Fleischner, New York Broadway Books. 2003 (2)Sisters in the Wilderness Delores S. Williams. Orbis, 287 pp (3)Behind the Scenes or Thirty Years a Slave and Four Years in the White House. Elizabeth Keckley, New York G. W. Carleton. 268 pp. 1868 (4)Xiomara Santamarina womens liberationist Studies 28, no. 3 (fall 2002) In Search of Our (5)Mothers Garden Womanist Prose, Alice Walker
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Policing Paper Essay
Sir Robert Peel established the nine principles of law enforcement also cognize as the Peelian Principles in 1892 under the base of patrol functions defined as deterring wickedness, enhancing the feeling of human race safety, and making law enforcement officers available for service. Police departments today implement these nine principles as a foundation of maintaining positive relationships with citizens and their community (FBI, 2012).The Metropolitan Police Act (MPA) of 1829 was established by Sir Robert Peel during his term as the repository of England. Peels theory rests mainly on his quote The key to policing is that the practice of law be the people and that the people are the police. The concept behind the Peelian Principles is preventing crime, non fighting crime. In locate for community policing to be proved successful, Peel first established the Metropolitan Police. Because of the success in community policing, todays police agencies still base their ethics and policies around the nine Peelian Principles as listed below.The first Peelian Principle explains the basic mission of police existence prevent crime and disorder. The concept of prevention of crime is to the alternative factor of control by legal punishment or military style force (Nazemi, 2012). Most individuals project the consequences prior to committing a criminal act. The majority of the individuals who do make the decision to commit a crime are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.The second Peelian Principle explains the requisite of common approval and to maintain public respect in order for the police to have full capability to carry out their duties (Nazemi, 2012). Society demands accountability of officers actions on and off duty. When Peel formed his principles, he had no idea of the drastic media exposure that would be present in today.The triad Peelian Principle explains police must always recognize that to secure and maintain the respect and approval of the pu blic also means safeguarding the willing cooperation of the public in the task of security observance of the law. Legislation is accountable for creating and presenting laws that society accepts and votes into law. If laws are created unreasonable, the police would have a difficult time in maintaining law and order (Nazemi, 2012) .The fourth Peelian Principle is based on the fact of how police must always recognize the extent to which the cooperation of the public can be secured, diminishes, proportionately the necessity of the use of physical force and compulsion for achieving police objectives (Nazemi, 2012). The fourth principal is best related to the 1992 acquittal of four Los Angeles police officers on trial for the videotaped lacing of King. When the verdict of the trial was made public, riots broke out in the city that led to numerous assaults, murders, arsons, and looting because of public disapproval.The fifth Peelian Principal is to and preserves the public favor. Public favor cannot be done by impartial service to the law but in independence of policy and procedures, without regard to the justice or injustice of individual laws (Nazemi, 2012). Ethical and moral obligations are important for every police department. Respect for law enforcement from a community and its local justice ashes is deriving from maintaining non-prejudice standards for all.The sixth Peelian principle explains the importance of physical force to only when be used to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law and to only resort to when persuasion, warnings, or advice are found to be insufficient (Nazemi, 2012) . The public, media, and the courts scrutinize such action if the result is by death or severe spot used by police.The seventh Peelian Principle explains that police must maintain and secure a positive relationship with the public that givesreality to the tradition, police are the public, and the public are the police (Nazemi, 2012). Officers are individual citizens of the community and have been given the opportunity and task to be trained and employed by the community, state, or federal government to uphold the laws, protect, and serve the public.The eighth Peelian Principle explains that police should always direct their actions strictly toward their functions and never appear to assume the powers of the judiciary (Nazemi, 2012). When a suspect is arrested for a crime, police are to conduct the investigation and protect the subjects constitutional rights of innocent until proven guilty. Upon completion of the investigation, officers are responsible for presenting the facts and evidence to the proper judicial system.The ninth Peelian Principle explains that police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder in a community, not the visible actions of the police dealing with crimes and disorders (Nazemi, 2012) . The unlawful violation of writing minor traffic citations or disobedient ordnances under a quota system is directly a de triment to a community by not focusing on crime prevention.Peels principals are currently used by todays city, state, federal, and worldwide law enforcement agencies to maintain concepts of professionalism and pride in a department and community (Larrabee, 2012). Deterring criminal acts can be accomplished by saturating a community with police presence such as patrol units, foot beat, and in some instances horse mounted police. When police presence is consistent throughout a community, the public is ensured by feelings of safety. If citizens believe they are secure and safe, there is no hesitation or intimidation to contact law enforcement when a crime is occurring or has been committed.ReferencesFBI. (2011). spot Peels legacy. Retrieved from http//, A.K. (2012). Law enforcement Sir Robert Peels concept of community policing in todays society. Retrieved from http// -enforcement-sir-robert-peels-concept-community-638595.html?cat=17Nazemi, S. (2012). Sir Robert Peels nine principals of policing. Retrieved from http//
Monday, May 20, 2019
To what extent are the problems created by rapid recent urban growth in LEDC’s similar to those created by rapid 19th century growth in MEDC’s?
A issuance of lines in Mexico urban center have been created by speedy urban growth, some of which atomic number 18 similar to those experienced by the UK in the 19th vitamin C, the period of the industrial rotary motion.Mexico is situated between Belize and the USA the capital is in the centre of the country and growth is constricted towards the in the southwest and west due to high rugged mountains. Mexico City is built on a series of sr. lakebeds almost 2400m above sea level the majority of the lakes in the valley were drained by the new-fangled 18th century. Although the lakes were drained in that location is still a store of water underground, this manner that the metropolis is drop down by 5-40cm per year. collectible to the city being built on relatively unstable grounds, the lake sediments amplify earthquakes experienced in the area. In September 1985 an earthquake caused a death toll of 10,000.With an elevated mountain line basin, Mexico City is prone to tempe rature inversions where pollutants, particularly from burning fossil fuels are trapped and stacknot disperse, this creates a layer of smogginess everyplace the city. This was a very common occurrence in UK cities of the industrial revolution, for example Manchester.The industrial revolution started in the late 1700s when Richard Arkwright introduced the first mechanical textile machines into factories. Factories were extremely polluting as the machines were run on blacken burning fires but at the time this was not seen as a concern as it was a very profitable business making factory owners very wealthy just as landowners were in the rural areas of the UK. Growth of the cities followed the introduction of the factories mechanisation of farming had caused large unemployment in rural areas. Factories needed a workforce and labourers were paid better in this industry than farming. Later came the introduction of the iron industry creating much than work but also to a greater extent pollution for the cities.Mexico City is in a similar typify as this period of the industrial revolution over 40,000 factories in the city reserve jobs to the population whilst creating this environmental concern in the process. However if Mexico wants to become a stable country, which is sustainable, then it needs to go through and through this process. Unfortunately now that we no of the problems that pollutants cause it is difficult to watch Mexico do this to the environment.Factors explaining growth of a city can be divided into five main reasons. Firstly economic influence, areas of a city go away expand if attractions are in a central location and accessible for services, businesses and shops. The high demand for place in central areas pushes up property and land prices. As businesses increase in size and number the area covered by the CBD will expand, hence causing residential areas to increase in size, as the workforce of these companies will function nearby.Often tidy sum cannot afford to spend a lot of property on travel expenses and therefore will live close to where they work to reduce their costs. This means that you confirm a high concentration of people financial support in a specific area. Proximity to real urban areas can affect where people live. For example, if a polluting factory is opened, it may deter people from spiritedness in that area and inadvertently cause an increase in the number of people living someplace else. Making the problems being experienced here to perhaps become more severe.Secondly, political control, restrictions may be in place to allow growth in some areas but not others, for example a green belt system. The purpose of a green belt is to stop building in that area. insular companies owning land can determine who they sell land to and who they refuse. Redlining areas can be instructed by political bodies to put on that people do not live in specific areas. Redlining an area can simply be done by not allo wing someone to borrow money to buy a house in that area.Thirdly, socio-economic segregation, people often live in areas of similar ethnic groups, life style and family types. For example in Mexico City there are specific areas where the elite live and other areas where the poor live. The elite race to be found in areas of wealthy suburbanites in the south west of the city where there is the least pollution, furthest from industries with the best commercial services, transport networks and medical and healthcare options. Where as the poorer population live in the northeast close to the industrial areas and CBD where there is the worst pollution and 40-66% live in informal settlements.Fourthly, migration, there are a range of strong push and pull factors to Mexico City from rural areas in Mexico. about 3000 people mig prescribe to Mexico City each day from surrounding states, for example Hidalgo. The push and pull factors can be divided up into economic, political, social and envir onmental.A political pull factor is that education is more available in the city and older children often can attend whilst younger ones work with parents in the informal sector. Political push factors are that there is a lack of basic services in rural areas, 80% without running water and poor communications and that there has been very lilliputian investment funds in projects benefiting subsistence farmers.An example of an economic pull factor is that relatives already living in the city provide networks of information on employment and accommodation, 44% of migrants rely on help such as this to descend them started. Some examples of economic push factors include, unemployment in rural areas, large landowners dominate the land and give a couple of(prenominal) benefits to farmers, and rural farmers have variable yields and cannot afford pesticides.Examples of social pull factors include, lower mortality rates in the city due to more services such as healthcare, glamorised percep tion of urban life, women are more able to migrate due to greater independence, more opportunities in the city. Social push factors are dominated by the rapid rate of natural increase, which causes stress on the food supplies.thither are no environmental pull factors it is well known that Mexico City has one of the worst pollution records in the beingness however some rural areas are so dire that it is the only solution. For example 80% of soils are poor and subject to soil erosion and desertification.Finally, natural increase, there is a reduction is the number of people dying and an increase in the number of births, approximately 30/1000 crude birth rate to 10/1000 crude death rate.With the city growing exponentially, being ten times bigger than it was in 1940 there are a range of problems that are difficult to avoid in an LEDC. There is no public transport in Mexico City meaning there is 3.5 million privately possess vehicles on the road, this creates congestion throughout the road networks and high levels of carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide are released. With the addition of 40,000 factories producing 12,000 tonnes of gases per day, the mixed bag of pollutants and cool air from the surrounding mountains causes a temperature inversion creating a thick layer of smog over the city that is extremely bad for your health there is a high incidence of respiratory problems. corresponding problems were seen in Manchester in the early 19th century where factory chimneys and domestic coal fires created a stable blanket of smoke and acid rain creating numerous diseases including bronchitis, influenza, asthma and pneumonia. It has been said that breathing the air in Mexico City is the equivalent of smoking sixty cigarettes a day. In 1994 the World Health Organisation (WHO) tell that the quality of the air in Mexico City was only acceptable on twenty days of the year.Due to the city being built on dried lakebeds where huge amounts of waste matter has been dumped over the old age on open sites there are new problems of winds uplifting dust and spreading it over the south east and north east adding to the smog situation.As 99% of lakes in Mexico have been drained it means that water has to be pumped from 150km to supply Mexico City with its requirements, 66,000 litres are consumed per second.In the early 19th century Manchester experienced an extremely rapid increase in population size, while Londons population doubled, Manchesters trebled. In 1811 Manchester had a population of 89,068 by 1851 the population had risen to 303,382 people. This created an extreme problem with availability of housing and quality of living standards. Population niggardness was extremely high and many people shared poorly constructed houses with very little sanitation and no water supply. This can be seen in Mexico City today, here the population density has risen to 5487 persons per km2 due to the mass numbers migrating to the city on a daily basis and therefor e there is not adequate housing available. This means that shanty towns have developed where people live in shacks constructed from corrugated iron and wood. Where people are living in proper houses it often overcrowded, this is 44% of houses in Mexico City.With a large population comes a large waste disposal crisis in Mexico City approximately 90% of hazardous waste is release into the sewage systems, which are contaminating the water supply. This has come along affect on the population when the water is used on the growing crops. A result of the defilement is that fruit and vegetables contain a high level of lead. Many babies born suffer some problem caused by lead poisoning.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Machiavelli Discourses Essay
inwardly the Machiavellis Republic, a prince should be the sole ascendancy of the state and should have a main part in ascertain every aspect of the state and the policies being established by the state. The best interests of the prince are gaining, maintaining, and expanding his regimeal powers or views. Since the prince is the sole authority, he has the power over everything and everyone. Machiavelli speaks virtually this in his loudnesss The Prince and The Discourses. In The Prince, Machiavelli concerned about the principality of the state and the Princes role within the sovereign state. Men worry slight about doing an spot to one who makes himself loved than to one who makes himself feared. The bond of love is one which men, wretched creatures they are, break when it is to their advantage to do so but fear is strengthened by a dread of punishment which is always in effect(p) ( Prince, p 87). Within this quote, Machiavelli describes a man as self-centered and selfish in a way.Within this republic, the prince needs to willingly deceive its citizens in order to win honor. He says that a citizen should have shade trust within the prince therefore a prince should deceive himself in front of the citizens to confront the public what they want. Machiavellis sole purpose was to help prince maintain his power for the undecomposed of its citizens. In the Discourses, his main interest is to bring through the liberty and independence of its citizens. He says that the prince is the foundation of the state. The prince has the ultimate power of veto and the only way to redeem rid of the prince is to kill him. From time to time, state needs constant transformation in the change of the transformation. redeeming(prenominal) laws are not enough to keep the survival of the republic. If the republic becomes corrupt, the prince can kill people for the good of the state, public trial and public execution. It is called truth and reconciliation trial.Everyone who is responsible for the corruption agrees to their wrong and they are pardoned by the one in charge. We keep the prince occupied by sending him to campaign. The prince should always be studying the warfare or fighting the war. The prince is the ruler that must stay in power. He has a role in the founding of the republic in The Discourses. He must maintain the equity in the city. He defines impartiality as the way one accomplishes his goals. In his book, he has a fight against the prince. For Machiavelli, power characteristically defines political activity, and hence it is necessary for any successful ruler to know howpower is to be used. He believes the resembling for a prince. He should know his duties for the country and how to carry out laws within the country. Machiavelli believes that individuals are brought to the world to result and will the ruler be able to maintain the state in safety and tribute. Without exception the authority of states and their laws will neer be ac knowledged when they are not supported by a show of power which renders obedience inescapable.The prince is the sole power of the state. He believes like the prince with the highest virtue is capable of authority. In his opinion, virtue is the most important aspect of authority. In the Discourses, Machiavelli describes his political personal beliefs of the republic. In particular, across the two works, Machiavelli consistently and clearly distinguishes between a tokenish and a full conception of political or urbane order, and thus constructs a hierarchy of ends within his general account of communal life (Machiavelli, 2008). A minimal civil order is one in which a strong government holds both the people and nobleness and helps them live peacefully. He believes that a strong government is a key to a successful state and prince is the highest authority of the government. As for the rest, for whom it is enough to live securely (vivere sicuro), they are easily satisfied by fashioning orders and laws that, along with the power of the king, comprehend everyones security.And once a prince does this, and the people see that he never breaks such laws, they will shortly begin to live securely (vivere sicuro) and contentedly, (Machiavelli, 2008) Machiavelli says about the prince. According to Machiavelli, a law- enduring character like the prince comprehends a states security. With that said, a prince is always willing and ready to go to war in order to protect his state. Machiavelli loves France and always gives examples of Frances kingdom in his book. The kingdom of France is moderated to a greater extent by laws than any other kingdom of which at our time we have knowledge, Machiavelli declares (Machiavelli, 2008). In his view, whatever benefits may accrue to a state by denying a militarys role to the people is of less importance than the absence of liberty that necessarily accompanies such disarmament (Machiavelli, 2008).The prince is in charge of the military a t all propagation and by this quote, it shows that a prince is always willing to go to war in times of hardship. The princes key role is to bring virtue to the state as discussed earlier. He cares the most about virtue in the book and talksabout how the divine power should bring virtue within the state. He speaks more about the role of the prince in his book The Prince, instead of the Discourses. It is peoples certificate of indebtedness to obey the prince and help him in times of war. He speaks much about the war in his book and his main goal is war. Machiavelli is assertive that citizens will always fight for their liberty and freedom against internal as well as external oppressors.Indeed, this is precisely why the succeeding French monarchs left their people disarmed. They pursue to sustain public security and order. This security and order for them means the elimination of any opportunities for their subjects to their arms. The French regime, because it seeks security above a ll else (for the people as well as for their rulers), cannot permit what Machiavelli takes to be a ancient means of promoting liberty(Machiavelli, 2008).The portrayal of Machiavellis republic is one of a kind and related to reality. The politicians in todays world have similar traits and act in a similar manner. A man, who stated his theory on the republic hundreds of years ago, still has people who agree with him. The ways governments duties are defined by Machiavelli havent changed much since the years. The government is the same, the peoples attitudes are the same, and the only thing that has been changed is the time.Works CitedMachiavelli, Niccolo. The Prince and the Discourses. Toronto Random House, Inc., 1950. Print. Nerdman, Cary. Niccolo Machiavelli. Stanford Encyclopedia. Stanford University. September 2008. Web. 6 December, 2012.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Glass ceiling
Shlreen Naqvi Submitted To Sir. Jahangir Abstract The glass in pileus persists for women in public relations and communications management, despite increasing feminization of these fields. This qualitative study seeks to learn factors that get and perpetuate the problem of the glass celling for women in public relations and corporate communications management. instaurationGlass ceiling, the point at which you can clearly see the next level of promotion save despite of your best effort, an invisible barrier seems to stop you from proceeding further In order to afford your set goals. Traditionally, the glass ceiling was a concept applied to women and some of the minorities. It was very hard save not impossible for them to reach upper management positions. No matter how qualified or experienced, they patently were not given opportunltles to further advance with their careers. Today, there are many more women and minorities in goodish positions.However the glass ceiling is stil l very real and it is not always limited to gender or race. It is a topic to be discussed In order to overcome this hurdle and to make necessary arrangements in the systems where ever necessary, so that everyone has a free hand to flourish more and more. Research objectives The aim of this word is to highlight the problems which the female employees face In their career, how the gender discrimination Is universe done and the dfferent ways nd tools in order to make the female employees to lag behind. lass ceiling By shireennaqvi Shireen Naqvi seeks to identify factors that support and perpetuate the problem of the glass ceiling further in order to reach your set goals. Traditionally, the glass ceiling was a concept they simply were not given opportunities to further advance with their careers. topic to be discussed in order to overcome this hurdle and to make necessary in their career, how the gender discrimination is being done and the different ways
Friday, May 17, 2019
Narrative report on educational tour Essay
INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of our educational tour of duty is to expose students in actual industries, manufacturing companies in order to acquire knowledge, opportunities, experience rather than sitting alone in a four corner classroom.The site visit location was Villar Foundation (Organic Herbal Garden, Factory of garbage chmelodic phrases, Coconet coir and Peat Enterprise, The urine Hyacinth Weaving Enterprise) Lola Corazon Leisure Farm, Hansa Toys and Azucarera de Tarlac. The waste plastic factory was our first stop. The Villar Foundation and the local society are in charge of collecting and segregating the plastic wastes, which are then shredded, washed, dried, melted and molded in the plant which can be fashioned to look like wooden pieces and comes with replaceable parts astonishingly. That envirotechs plant can produce 1,000 armchair/month. About 20-24 kilos of mixed soft plastics. That finished product has a 20 year emotional statespan. Our second stop was the Coconet fact ory. It was the coconut husks converted to a coco net. It comes from near markets that was presumptuousness by vendors. The fiber can be extracted through a decorticating machine, the decorticated coconut will be air dried, then the fiber and the dust will be separated through dusting, the fiber will be twined and lastly theyll weave it to make a coco net.To lessen the waste in Las Pinas produces the Villar Foundation in addition started a project to turn sloshed waste into soil conditioners and Vermicompost through composting. The process is to mix wet waste, mostly food with coconut dust and trichodema fungi that produces enzymes that helps in composting. The Water Hyacinth weaving attempt was our third stop. in cleaning the river was the water hyacinths also known as water lilies that floats on the river and traps much wastes and causes flood when it rains. They found a solution by transforming water lilies into beautiful pieces of arts like decorations and baskets. future(a ) destination was in Hansa Toys. Artists create for each one Hansa animal from portraits of the creature in its earthy habitat that is make of PLASTICS. Most fabrics are custom designed and exclusively manufactured to HANSAS exacting specifications.The animals coats are meticulously hand-cut and trimmed, never stamped out by machine.The animals are sewn inside out, resulting in the minimization of seams. This development ofan colossalinternal stitching method allows the Hansa artisans create effects like muscle tone and features unique to each creature. On average, there are 42 separate pieces required to make each animal. (Some animals have as many as 240 different parts)The subtle coloring on the animals is hand painted or airbrushed by specially trained Hansa artisans.Each animal is hand finished with loving detail to give them the life like look yet sweet face and cuddly feel that is unmistakably HANSA.All animals are do with custom designed all man-made plush material made from high pile nose candy% Modacrylic fiber Kanecaron Brand with backing material of polyster 150/48F. Last was the Azucarera de Tarlac. It is one of the best integrated chicken feed manufacturing plants producing both raw and refined sugar, alcohol, liquid carbon dioxide, and yeast in the Philippines.KNOWLEDGE ACQUIREDThat memorable tour advocate us of green vitality. In Villar Foundation they converted raw materials into something useful they not unless only cleaning and protecting environment but also providing a worklihood to the poor. By promoting this 1 less child on the streets, 1 less person without a job, 1 less family without a home, 1 less worker stranded overseas, and most important 1 more Filipino barely from poverty.Hansa toys says Toys that educates the heart Believing that to solar days children will play a vital role in the fate of wildlife, and that toys can be an important tool in forming childrens values, they have created the Endangered Animals collectin g . They inspire children and adults (all ages) to love and learn about wild animals and they hope to inspire a life-long commitment to widelife conservation. indeed environment may be defined as the sum of all social, cultural, economical, biological, physical and chemical factors surround the man to give necessary protection to him.A clean environment is very necessary to live a peaceful and healthy life. But our environment is acquire dumpy day by day because of some negligence of human beings. It is an issue which everyone must know about especiallyour kids. An environment is the natural surroundings which help life to grow, nourish and destroy on this planet earth. Natural environment plays a great role in the existence of life on earth and it helps human beings, animals and other living things to grow and develop naturally. But due to some bad and selfish activities of the human beings, our environment is getting affected. It is the most important topic that everyone must know how to protect our environment to keep it safe eer as well as ensure the natures balance on this planet to address the existence of life.RECOMMENDATIONEveryone can do a big change to create a fracture environment. Why people having diseases? This is because of you, me, US even a single wrap of candy can we nevertheless keep in our pocket for a while then throw it in a suitable garbage can.The earth is dying it is an open reality to everybody. The earth is sick and if we cant engage its sickness we will die too. Just imagine, without a sustainable environment we will have nothing. The dirt were throwing away always comes back to us it means nature has his own way of victorious revenge. Let us not be blind or deaf to this problem. We should take part because if not, we may be causing our own extinction
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